Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I grew my own potatoes

This January we moved to NC from Lousiana.  (And no I don't miss the rain, but thanks for asking.)  Our neighborhood has a community garden with around 55 boxes in a beautiful location and a nice walk from my house.  The boxes are rented out by the year.    I signed up before we were even packed to move!

After getting my assigned location, I went to a local nursery to pick out varieties of things that would grow here.  I saw "Seed Potatoes".  They were little new potatoes in a netted bag.  I thought what the heck, so I planted them right away, around mid-February, I believe it was.  It took a few weeks for them to sprout because you bury them 4" deep.  After about 3 weeks, I saw green sprouts coming out of the ground.  And the plants grew nicely and in particular very quickly after rain.  Finally, they flowered in early May and  I waited an additional 2 weeks before digging in the dirt to see what I got.

By this point, a few potatoes were crowning.  It was like Easter!!  It was the coolest thing ever!  I was with my sister and we laughed so hard as I dug down returning with a potato in my hand.  She and I split the first ones I picked and this was the last of them.  I think in all, I got about 10-12 pounds of potatoes for the investment of $4.95.  Best thing ever!

Oh and the red onion came from our local farmer's market and the rosemary from my herb pot.  Toss in olive oil, season with herbs and S&P.  Roast at 375 for a little more than an hour for crispy results.  Devour!

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