Friday, April 3, 2009

Herbed Fingerling Potatoes

You may see fingerling potatoes lately as they can be found in all different colors at many stores. If you spend the money on them, you probably want to do something with them that holds their mini shape. I made this recipe up and they were very good. Clean Fingerling Potatoes and place in a pot and cover with water. Place lid on pot. Bring water to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. Drain. This step can be done ahead. Heat skillet empty over medium heat and add 1 Tbl Olive Oil and 1 Tbl Butter. Add potatoes and toss around as they cook. Add a sprinkle of S&P and a Pinch of Sugar. Add Fresh Herbs, pictured is thyme, and continue cooking, tossing the pan every 5 minutes or so. Cook for about 25-30 minutes or until done. Serve with a sliced steak and a salad.

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